Mr.Shriram Thalor- Director
ShriShriram Thalor
Rajasthan Smart School
Dear students
Due to liberalization and globalization, the world scenario is changing rapidly and the 21st century understandably  belongs to the strength, excellence and merit of man and woman. The growth of a nation basically depends on the potentiality of its people which needs to be constantly promoted and developed through quality education and training. If education is the esoteric essence of a civilized life, the teachers are the architects who cement the foundation of civilization.
The Rajasthan Institutions are having a collection of such architects who can Frame, Paint and Polish the future of a student very well and able to produce such Generation that we can proud of. Our young boys and girls are the precious mines of brilliance, talent and power which require further exploration and revitalization through continuous and consistent up-graduation of their aptitudes, attitudes, awareness and skills. The institutions are committed of follow best international practices. New approaches, higher quality norms, professionalism & excellence in management and over all improvement as well as value enhancement.

Rajasthan Institutions are dedicated to excellence and innovation strives to foster the intellectual, social, emotional, physical and aesthetic development of its students. The institutions offers good infrastructure, qualified and dedicated faculty, excellent environment for academic and co-curricular activities, well equipped laboratories, computer labs, libraries and well-furnished separate hostels for boys and girls.
The management of Rajasthan Institutions welcomes one and all to our Temple of Learning which is envisioned to contribute enormously to nation building by creating human intellectual assets to realize our dreams of India becoming a super power in the world.